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Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition in Indonesia

The General Elucidation of Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition

The table below illustrates the regulation of mergers, consolidations, and acquisitions, pursuant to prevailing laws in Indonesia. 


General Description of Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition

Source: Law No. 40/2007

The Mechanism of Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition


With reference to GR No. 27/1998 on Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition of Limited Liability Companies, a merger, consolidation, and acquisition can only be carried out by taking consideration of the interests of the following parties:


  • interests of the company, minority shareholders and the employees of the company;

  • public interest and healthy competition in doing business; and

  • the interests of creditor.

As explained in the Section 7.3.1 Chapter VII, the act of merger, consolidation, and acquisition can only be carried out with the approval of the GMS. The GMS must be attended by shareholders who represent at least 3/4 (three-quarters) of the total shares with valid voting rights and approved by at least 3/4 (three-quarters) of the total votes.  Specifically for public companies, if the required quorum is not reached, then the requirements for attendance and decision-making in GMS are stipulated in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations on the capital market. 

The Mechanism of Merger


Firstly, the BoD of both the dissolving company and the surviving company shall prepare a proposed merger plan which must be approved by the BoC and subsequently submitted to the respective GMS for approval.  The proposed merger plan must include the following information: 


  • name and domicile of the company that will carry out the merger;

  • reasons and explanations of each of the company's BoD who will carry out merger and merger requirements;

  • procedures for converting shares of each company that will carry out merger into the shares of the surviving company;

  • AoA amendment draft of the merged company;

  • balance sheets and income statements covering the last 3 (three) financial years of all companies that will participate in

  • the merger; and

  • information which must be disclosed to the shareholders of each company, among others:

    1. pro forma balance of the company resulting from the merger in accordance with the financial accounting standard, as well as estimation on matters related to profit and loss also the future of the company as a result of the merger based on independent expert’s appraisal result; 

    2. method for resolving the status of the dissolving company's employees;

    3. method for resolving the company's rights and obligations to third parties; 

    4. method for resolving the rights of shareholders who disagree with the merger of companies;

    5. composition, salary and other allowances for the BoD and BoC of the merged company; 

    6. he estimated time period for implementing the merger;

    7. report on the state and operational of the company as well as the results achieved;

    8. company’s primary activity and changes during the current financial year;

    9. details on the problems that arise during the current financial year which affect the company;

    10. name of the members of the BoD and BoC; and

    11. salary and other allowances for members of the BoD and BoC. 

Afterwards, the merger plan summary must be announced by the BoD in 2 (two) daily newspapers. Additionally, they are required to announced the merger plan summary in writing to the employees of dissolving company and surviving company in no later than 14 (fourteen) days prior to the GMS summons of each company.  The merger plan along with the deed of merger draft must be requested for GMS approval of each company. Once the deed of merger draft approved by the GMS, it should be finalized as deed of merger in the form of a notarial deed.  

Referring to GR No. 27/1998, a merger can be carried out either by making amendments or without any amendments of the AoA. In cases where the merger of companies necessitates amendments to the AoA, the effective date of the merger shall take effect from the date of approval of the amendment to the AoA by the MoLHR.  It is incumbent upon the BoD of the surviving company to submit the amended AoA deed to the MoLHR for approval and register it in the company register as well as announce it in the supplement to the state gazette of the Republic of Indonesia after obtaining the MoLHR’s approval.  The application for approval shall be made no later than 14 (fourteen) days following the GMS resolutions.  The MoLHR will provide its approval within a maximum of 60 (sixty) days after receiving the application. Following this approval, the dissolving company will be dissolved, starting from the date of the MoLHR approves the amendment of AoA.  

On the other hand, if the amendment to the AoA does not require the MoLHR’s approval, the merger will take effect from the date when the deed of merger and amendment to the AoA are registered in the company registration list.  Further, if the merger of companies is carried out without any amendment to the AoA, the merger will take effect from the date of signing the deed of merger.  In addition, the BoD of the surviving company must announce the result of merger in 2 (two) daily-circulated newspapers at the latest 30 (thirty) days from the date the merger is effective.  


For a complete illustration, please see the following flowchart:

The Mechanism of Merger

The Mechanism of Merger

Source: Law No. 40/2007

The Mechanism of Consolidation


Consolidation results in the legal dissolution of the consolidating companies. The consolidating companies cease to exist by law. The founders of the consolidated company are the companies that have agreed to consolidate itself and the shareholders of this newly established company are the shareholders of the company that will consolidate.  Assets of the newly established company are all assets of the companies that will consolidate. 

Deed of the consolidation shall be the basis for the drawing up of the deed of incorporation of the consolidated company.  The BoD of the consolidating company must apply for the legalization of the deed of incorporation of the consolidated company to the MoLHR by attaching the deed of consolidation within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of the GMS resolution and register it in the company register.  The MoLHR will legalize the application within 60 (sixty) days after the application is received.  After obtaining the MoLHR’s legalization, the BoD of the consolidating company must announce the consolidation in the supplement to the state gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.  

Further, the BoD of the consolidated company must announce the result of consolidation in 2 (two) daily-circulated newspapers at the latest 30 (thirty) days from the date the consolidation is effective.  

The consolidated companies are dissolved as of the date on which the deed of incorporation of the consolidated companies is passed by the MoLHR.   Since the signing date of the deed of consolidation, the merging company directors are prohibited from taking legal actions unless required to implement consolidation.  

The Mechanism of Consolidation

The Mechanism of Consolidation

Source: Law No. 40/2007.

The Mechanism of Acquisition


An acquisition is conducted by acquiring shares that have been issued and/or will be issued by the company, either through the BoD of the company or directly by the shareholders.  The acquisition will result in the transfer of control over the company.

Moreover, an acquisition can be undertaken by a legal entity or an individual. In the event of the acquisition is conducted by legal entity, specifically a company, the BoD must adhere to a resolution passed by the GMS with the requisite quorum for attendance and satisfying requirements for adoption of a resolution of the GMS before proceeding with the legal act of acquisition.


In the event that an acquisition is conducted through the BoD, the acquiring company shall notify its intention to conduct an acquisition to the BoD of the company to be acquired.  Following this, the BoD of the acquired company and the company that plans to acquire shall prepare a draft plan of acquisition upon obtaining consent of the respective BoC.  The draft plan must contain: 

  • the names and domicile of the company that is to acquire and the company that is to be acquired;

  • the reasons as well as explanations of the BoD of the company that is to acquire and of the BoD of the company that is to be acquired;

  • the financial statement of the latest accounting year of the company that is to acquire and the company that is to be acquired;

  • the methods of assessment and conversion of shares of the companies that are to be acquired into its destination shares if the payment of the acquisition is conducted through shares;

  • the amounts of shares that are to be acquired;

  • the readiness of funding;

  • the pro forma consolidated balance sheet of the company that is to acquire after acquisition that is prepared under the accounting principle of general applicability in Indonesia;

  • the manner of settlement on the rights of the shareholders who do not approve the acquisition;

  • the manner of settlement on the status, rights and obligations of the members of the BoD, the BoC, and employees of the companies that are to be acquired;

  • the estimated period of the conduct of acquisition, including the period of the granting of power of transferring shares from the shareholders to the BoD of the company; and

  • the draft amendments to the AoA of the acquiring company after acquisition, if any.


In this regard, the BoD of a company which is about to conduct an acquisition must publish the draft plan in at least 1 (one) newspaper and announce it in writing to employees of the company within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days prior to the GMS summon.  The said announcement shall also contain a notice that interested parties may acquire the draft plan at the office of the company from the date of the announcement to the date the GMS is held. 

Alternatively, if the acquisition is conducted directly with the shareholders, then the aforementioned notification and preparation of the acquisition plan are not required. 

Furthermore, if the acquisition of a company involves amending the AoA which requires approval from the MoLHR, then the acquisition shall take effect from the date of approval of the amendment of AoA by the MoLHR.  In cases where the AoA is amended but does not require the MoLHR’s approval, the acquisition shall take effect from the date of registration of the deed of acquisition in the company register.  Conversely, if the acquisition of the company does not result in an amendment of AoA, then the acquisition will take effect from the date the acquisition deed is signed.   In addition, the BoD of the company the shares of which are acquired must publish the result of the acquisition in 1 (one) or more newspaper, within at the latest in 30 (thirty) days as of the effective date of the acquisition. 

Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition of Public Companies

Merger and Consolidation of Public Companies

Merger or consolidation of public companies can only be carried out if they align with prevailing laws and regulations, and the provisions in Law No. 40/2007 relating to business mergers or consolidations still apply to public companies, as long as they are not explicitly regulated in OJK Reg. 74/2016.  Broadly outlined, the following describes the procedure for the merger or consolidation of public companies.

  • Preparation and Announcement of Merger/Consolidation Plan

​The BoD of each company that will carry out a merger/consolidation is collectively required to prepare a merger/consolidation plan, which must then be approved by the BoC of each respective company.  The merger/consolidation plan must have at least the following information: 

  • name, domicile, business activities, capital and shareholders structures, as well as the management and supervision of each company who will organize the merger/consolidation;

  • name and domicile of the company resulting from the merger/consolidation;

  • composition of the BoD and BoC of the company resulting from the merger/consolidation;

  • schedule of the merger/consolidation plan;

  • reasons as well as explanations for the merger/consolidation from each company who will organize the merger/consolidation;

  • procedure for the conversion of shares of each company that will organize the merger/consolidation to the shares of the company resulting from the merger/consolidation;

  • plan on the amendment to the AoA of the company resulting from the merger (if any) or plan of the new company’s deed of establishment resulting from the consolidation;

  • overview of important financial data originated from the financial statements which have been audited by a public accountant from each company who will organize merger/consolidation, under the following provisions:

    1. in the event that the companies that will organize merger/consolidation are public companies, it shall cover the last 2 (two) years; or

    2. in the event that the companies that will organize merger/consolidation are not public companies, it shall cover the last 3 (three) years.

  • in the event that there is an interim period financial data, the disclosure shall be presented by comparing it with the same interim period from the previous fiscal year (not have to be audited), except for financial position reports;

  • financial report of the performance of the company resulting from the merger/consolidation which shall be examined by a public accountant;

  • summary of appraiser’s report on the appraisal of the capital of each company who will organize the merger/consolidation which shall at least contain:

    1. identity of the parties;

    2. object of the appraisal;

    3. objective of the appraisal;

    4. assumptions and conditions of the limitation;

    5. appraisal approach and appraisal method; and

    6. appraisal’s conclusion;

  • summary of the appraiser’s report on the opinion regarding the fairness of the merger/consolidation;

  • result of experts’ appraisal regarding certain aspects of the merger/consolidation (if needed);

  • opinion from the legal consultant on the legal aspect of the merger/consolidation;

  • method for the settlement of the status of the employees of companies that will organize the merger/consolidation;

  • methods for the settlement of the rights and obligations of companies that will organize the merger/consolidation to third parties;

  • methods for the settlement of shareholders who do not agree with the merger/consolidation; dan

  • explanation regarding the benefits, and potential risks that may incur due to the merger/consolidation as well as the mitigation for such risks, and future business plan.

Under specific conditions, certain information mentioned above may not be necessary to include, or additional information might be required in the merger/consolidation plan. For instance, if the merger/consolidation leads to the occurrence of a new controller, the merger/consolidation plan must also include (i) information about the prospective controller; and (ii) brief information about the management analysis and discussion regarding the companies involved in the merger/consolidation. 

Following the BoC’s approval of the merger/consolidation plan, the public company that carries out the merger/consolidation must announce a summary of the draft of merger/consolidation to the public in no later than the end of the second working day after it has obtained the approval from the BoC and 30 (thirty) days prior to convening the GMS. 

  • Submission and Effectiveness of Registration Statement​

Submission of applications for corporate actions to the OJK must be carried out electronically through the OJK’s licensing system, which includes (i) a merger statement and (ii) a consolidation statement.  The public company shall submit a merger statement or consolidation statement containing the merger or consolidation plan along with its supporting documents to the OJK.  In this regard, submission of the merger statement or consolidation statement shall be conducted in no later than at the end of the 2nd (second) business day after approval from the BoC is obtained.


The relevant supporting documents shall at least contain: 

  • Financial statement audited by the public accountant from each company who organize merger/consolidation, under the following conditions:

    • ​in the event that the companies who perform merger/consolidation are public companies, it should cover the last 2 (two) years, and shall fulfill the following provisions:

      1. time period between the date of the last annual financial statement and the effective date of the merger statement or consolidation statement shall not be more than 6 (six) months; and

      2. in the event that the time period above is exceeding 6 (six) months, said financial statement shall be accompanied with an interim financial statement which has been audited by a public accountant under the condition that the period between the date of the interim financial statement and the effective date of the merger statement or consolidation statement shall not be more than 6 (six) months;

    • in the event that the companies that organize merger/consolidation are not public companies, it shall cover the last 3 (three) years;

  • opinions in regard to the legal aspect of the merger/consolidation;

  • information of the financial performance of the companies resulting from the merger/consolidation which shall be examined by a public accountant;

  • shares appraisal report;

  • report on the opinions regarding the fairness of merger/consolidation;

  • statement of the BoD of public companies that the merger/consolidation is organized while taking into consideration the interest of the companies, the public and fair business competition, while guaranteeing the fulfillment of shareholders and employees’ rights;

  • approval from the BoC of each company regarding the merger/consolidation plan;

  • plan on the amendment of the AoA of the company resulting from the merger (if any) or plan of the new company’s deed of establishment resulting from the consolidation; and

  • expert appraisal report (if any).

​OJK may request changes to and/or additional information for review or disclosure to the public purpose.  Further, if the merger is organized between public companies, the submission of the merger statement to the OJK shall be conducted by the public company who accepts the merger (surviving company).  If the consolidation is organized between public companies, the submission of the consolidation statement to the OJK shall be conducted by one of the public companies who performs the consolidation. 

Moreover, merger statement or consolidation statement shall be effective by taking into consideration the following: 

  • on the basis of the passing of time, which shall be as follows:

    1. 20 (twenty) days from the date the merger statement or consolidation statement is received completely by the OJK; or

    2. 20 (twenty) days from the date the last change which is submitted by public companies or which is requested by the OJK is fulfilled; or

  • on the basis of an effective statement from the OJK that further changes to and/or additional information are no longer needed.

  • GMS and Post-Merger/Consolidation

Merger/consolidation must be approved by the GMS of the public company, which shall be held after the merger statement or consolidation statement has become effective.  The plan and organization of the GMS of public company in relation to the merger/consolidation must fulfill the provisions in the regulation of the OJK on the plan and organization of the GMS of a public company.  

The public company may announce the GMS in relation to the merger/consolidation at the same time with the announcement of the summary of the merger/consolidation plan.  In the event that there is a conflict of interest in a merger/consolidation, the GMS must fulfill the provisions of the GMS for transaction with a conflict of interest as referred to in the laws and regulations in the capital market sector that regulates the affiliation transactions and the conflict of interest of certain transactions.  Furthermore, in the event that the GMS does not approve the merger/consolidation plan, a new merger statement or consolidation statement may be resubmitted to the OJK after at least 12 (twelve) months from the organization of the relevant GMS.  

In addition to the above, companies resulting from the merger/consolidation must submit a report to the OJK regarding the result of merger/consolidation, in no later than 5 (five) business days from the date the merger/consolidation is deemed effective. 

Acquisition of Public Company

Referring to Article 1 (5) OJK Reg No. 9/2018, an acquisition is any action, either directly or indirectly, which leads to the change of controller. In this regard, the controller is any party who either directly or indirectly (i) over 50% (fifty percent) of all shares possessing voting rights which has been fully paid-up of a public company’s shares or (ii) has the ability to determine, either directly or indirectly in any way, the management and/or policy of the public company.  Furthermore, the control over a public company is based upon the ability to determine, either directly or indirectly in any way, the management and/or policy of public company may be proven with documents and/or information indicating a party undertaking control of any public company.  

Specifically, the procedure for carrying out an acquisition of a public company can be explained as follows.

  • Announcement of Acquisition

​Article 4 (1) OJK Reg No. 9/2018 stipulates that any prospective new controller who is undertaking negotiation that may lead to an acquisition may announce the negotiation on the acquisition plan. In case the prospective new controller decides to announce the negotiation on the acquisition, then said announcement shall at a minimum be undertaken through (i) 1 (one) Indonesian language daily newspaper which is circulated nationally or (ii) the website of the stock exchange.  The information which should be contained in the announcement must at least encompass: 

  1. the name of the public company to be acquired,

  2. the estimated number of shares to be acquired,

  3. the identity of the prospective new controller, which encompasses the name of the prospective new controller, address, phone number, electronic mail, as well as business activities, if the prospective new controller is a business entity;

  4. the amount of stock already owned by the prospective new controller, in case of already possessing the securities of the public company to be acquired;

  5. purpose of control;

  6. the plan, deal or decision to cooperate between parties within an organized group under the framework of controlling a public company, if the acquisition is undertaken by an organized group and there is a plan, deal or decision made by parties within the said organized group;

  7. the method and process for acquisition negotiation; and

  8. the substance of acquisition negotiation.

​In case the prospective new controller undertakes an announcement through Indonesian language daily newspaper, then the prospective new controller is required to submit the announcement to: 

  1. the public company to be acquired;

  2. OJK; and

  3. the stock exchange where the shares of the Indonesian language daily newspaper to be acquired are listed,

on the same day as the announcement. Otherwise, in case the prospective new controller undertakes an announcement through the website of the stock exchange, then the prospective new controller is required to submit the announcement to: 

  1. the public company to be acquired; and

  2. OJK, 


on the same day as the announcement. In addition, Article 6 OJK Reg No. 9/2018 stipulates that in case the prospective new controller decides not to announce the negotiation, then the prospective new controller and the parties involved in the negotiation are required to keep the confidentiality of information of said negotiation.

  • Implementation of Mandatory Tender Offer

​Referring to Article 1 (6) OJK Reg No. 9/2018, a Mandatory Tender Offer (“MTO”) is the offering to purchase the remaining shares of a public company which must be undertaken by the new controller. After the occurrence of acquisition, the controller is required to: 

  1. announce in at a minimum of 1 (one) Indonesian language daily newspaper which is circulated nationally or the website of the web stock exchange and report to the OJK as regards the occurrence of the acquisition by no later than 1 (one) business day after the occurrence of the acquisition; and

  2. undertake the MTO, except for:

    • shares owned by shareholders who already undertake acquisition transaction with new the controller;

    • the shares owned by other parties that already secured an offer having the same requirements and conditions from the new controller;

    • the shares owned by other parties which at the same time also undertake the MTO or voluntary tender offering over the shares of the same public company;

    • the shares owned by majority shareholders; and

    • the shares owned by the other controller of the said public company.

Nevertheless, the aforementioned obligations are not applicable in case of: 

  1. an acquisition which occurs due to marriage or inheritance;

  2. an acquisition which occurs due to the purchase or acquisition of a public company’s shares within a period of every 12 (twelve) months in a maximum amount of 10% (ten percent) of the amount of circulating shares with valid voting rights, by parties who previously does not own a public company’s shares;

  3. an acquisition which occurs due to the implementation of duties and authorities of government or state agencies or institutions in accordance with the law;

  4. an acquisition which occurs due to the direct purchase of shares owned and/or controlled by government or state agencies or institutions as an implementation of the provision as referred to in number 3);

  5. an acquisition which occurs due to a court ruling or decision that already has permanent legal force;

  6. an acquisition which occurs due to the merger of businesses, spin-off of businesses, or the implementation of liquidation of shareholders;

  7. an acquisition occurring due to the existence of a grant which is the handover of shares without agreement to secure any form of reward;

  8. an acquisition occurring due to the existence of certain debt guarantee which has been stipulated under a loan agreement, as well as debt guarantee under the framework of restructuration of public company stipulated by government or state agencies or institutions in accordance with the law;

  9. an acquisition occurring due to the securing of shares by shareholders exercising their right in accordance with their share ownership portion as stipulated under OJK regulation on the addition of public company’s capital by providing pre-emptive rights;

  10. an acquisition occurring due to the securing of shares by parties in the implementation of a capital increase to correct financial position as stipulated under OJK regulation on the addition of public company’s capital without pre-emptive rights;

  11. an acquisition which occurs due to the implementation of policies of government or state agencies or institutions;

  12. the implementation of MTO shall be contradictory to laws and regulations;

  13. an acquisition which occurs due to the implementation of voluntary tender offering as stipulated under OJK regulation on voluntary tender offering; or

  14. an acquisition which has been disclosed in the prospectus for the public offering of securities, so long as its disclosure already satisfies the provisions as stipulated under OJK regulation on the format and contents of prospectus and summary prospectus for the purpose of a public offering of securities that are implemented by no later than 1 (one) year after the statement of registration becomes effective.

The execution of a merger, consolidation, or acquisition of a Commercial Bank requires obtaining a permit from the OJK. This should be in accordance with the requirements and procedures regulated under OJK Reg. No. 41/2019. The procedure for the merger, consolidation, and acquisition of a Commercial Bank will be further elaborated below. 

Procedure of Merger and Consolidation

The procedure of merger or consolidation of Commercial Banks under OJK Reg. No. 41/2019 is as follows:

  • The BoD of each Commercial Bank that will conduct a merger or consolidation is required to jointly formulate a merger or consolidation plan to be approved by the BoC of the respective Commercial Bank, which should at least contain the following information: 

    1. information regarding each Commercial Bank that will conduct the merger or consolidation;

    2. information on the merger or consolidation plan; and

    3. information on Commercial Bank resulting from the merger or consolidation.​

  • The BoD of the Commercial Banks who will conduct a merger or consolidation must announce the summary of the merger or consolidation plan to the public within (i) 2 (two) business days at the latest after the BoC’s approval for the merger or consolidation plan is received; and (ii) 30 (thirty) days before the summon for GMS.  The content of this announcement must at least consist of the summary of the merger or consolidation plan and information stating that the merger or consolidation plan has not yet obtained approval from the GMS.   Simultaneously with the announcement above, the Commercial Banks is required to:

    1. submit documents to OJK, which consist of: (i) document of merger or consolidation plan which approved by the BoC; (ii) draft of the deed of merger or consolidation; and (iii) administrative requirements documents;  and

    2. announce to the employees regarding the merger or consolidation in writing. ​

  • The Commercial Banks who will conduct a merger or consolidation request approval from the GMS on: (i) the merger or consolidation action; (ii) the merger or consolidation plan; and (iii) a draft of the deed of merger or consolidation.  The GMS approval shall be included in the deed of merger or consolidation which is drawn up by a notary in Indonesian language. 

  • The BoD of the Commercial Banks who will conduct a merger or consolidation submit an application for a merger or consolidation permit to the OJK by enclosing: 

    1. the GMS minutes prepared with a notarial deed that contains approval for the merger or consolidation;

    2. the merger or consolidation plan which has been approved by the GMS;

    3. the deed of merger or consolidation;

    4. deed of amendment to articles of association of the commercial bank resulting from the merger or deed of establishment of the Commercial Bank resulting from the consolidation; and

    5. financial statement and most recent financial performance information of the Commercial Banks who will conduct a merger or consolidation.

  • Following the submission above, the OJK will provide approval or rejection for the application of the merger or consolidation permit.  The merger or consolidation permit will be effective since: 

    1. if the merger is accompanied by an amendment to articles of association, since the date of the MoLHR approval or later date which is determined in the MoLHR’s approval or the date when the notification of the amendment to articles of association is received by the MoLHR or the later date which is determined in the deed of merger;

    2. if the merger is not accompanied by an amendment to articles of association, since the date when the notification is received by the MoLHR to be registered in the limited liability company register;

    3. since the date of the decree of the MoLHR on the legalization of the legal entity status of the bank resulting from the consolidation.

  • After obtaining the permit from OJK, the Commercial Bank must: 

    1. formulate the closing balance sheet of the respective Commercial Banks that conduct the merger or consolidation;

    2. formulate the opening balance sheet of the Commercial Bank resulting from the merger or consolidation;

    3. announce the merger or consolidation result within 30 (thirty) days at the latest since the merger or consolidation comes into force;

    4. submit merger or consolidation implementation report to the OJK within 5 (five) business days at the latest after the date of merger or consolidation comes into force; and

    5. in the event that the announcement of merger or consolidation is conducted after the submission of the merger or consolidation implementation report, the proof of announcement must be submitted within 2 (two) business days at the latest after the announcement.

Procedures of Acquisition

The procedure of acquisition of Commercial Bank under OJK Reg. No. 41/2019 is as follows:

  • The BoD of the Commercial Bank that will be acquired and the acquiring party are required to prepare an acquisition plan to be approved by their respective BoC.  The acquisition plan shall at least contain the following information: 

    1. information of the parties;

    2. information on the acquisition plan; and

    3. information regarding the bank after the acquisition.


  • The BoD of the Commercial Bank that will be acquired and the acquiring party are required to convey preparation documents for the acquisition’s implementation to the OJK, which consist of:  (i) the acquisition plan documents as approved by the BoC; (ii) draft of the deed of acquisition; and (iii) administrative requirements documents. OJK will study the preparation documents for the acquisition’s implementation within 20 (twenty) business days at the latest since the documents are duly received. 


  • The BoD of the Commercial Bank that will be acquired and the acquiring party must announce the summary of the acquisition plan to the public within (i) 2 (two) business days after the notification from the OJK is received; and (ii) 30 (thirty) days before the GMS summon.  The content of such announcement must at least consist of (i) the summary of the acquisition plan; (ii) information that the acquisition plan has not obtained approval from the GMS.  Simultaneously with such an announcement, the BoD of the acquiring Commercial Bank and Commercial Bank that will be acquired must announce in writing to the employees. 

  • The Commercial Bank that will be acquired and the acquiring party must request approval regarding (i) the acquisition action; (ii) the acquisition plan; and (iii) a draft of the deed of acquisition from:

    1.  the GMS, if the party who conducts the acquisition is in the form of a limited liability company; or

    2.  an authorized organ, if the party who conducts the acquisition is in the other form of legal entity.  

       Shareholders who disagree with the GMS’ decision may only utilize the right to ask for their shares to be bought at a fair

       price by the commercial bank.  However, it does not the stop process of the acquisition. 

  • The BoD of the Commercial Bank that will be acquired and the acquiring party shall jointly submit an application for an acquisition permit to the OJK by enclosing: ​

    1. the GMS minutes which were drawn up with a notarial deed containing approval for the acquisition;

    2. the acquisition plan which has been approved by GMS;

    3. draft of the deed of acquisition which has been approved by GMS;

    4. draft of the amendment to articles of association of the Commercial Bank concerning the acquisition, if there is an amendment to articles of association; and

    5. the most recent financial statement and financial performance information.


       Subsequently, OJK will either approve or reject the acquisition permit application.  If OJK grants approval for the

       acquisition permit, it will come into force since:

  1. if the acquisition is accompanied by an amendment to the articles of association, since the date of the MoLHR’s approval or the later date which is determined in the MoLHR’s approval or the date when the notification of the amendment to articles of association is received by the MoLHR or the later date which is determined in the deed of acquisition; or

  2. if the acquisition is not accompanied by an amendment to articles of association, since the date when the  notification is received by the MoLHR to be registered in the company register. 

Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition of Institutional PMV/PMVS

PMV or PMVS can carry out mergers, consolidations, and acquisitions.  Specifically, merger or consolidation shall only be conducted (i) by PMV or PMVS in the same form of legal entity;  and (ii) between PMV and other PMV or between PMVS and other PMVS.  When conducting a merger, consolidation, or acquisition, the PMV or PMVS is required to submit the plan for such a merger, consolidation, or acquisition to the OJK for approval, accompanied by certain documents as required by OJK Reg. No. 34/2015: 

In determining whether to issue approval or rejection as referred above, the OJK will examine the documents submitted for the request of approval and analyze the feasibility of the proposed merger, consolidation, or acquisition, as well as the compliance with regulatory provisions in PMV or PMVS business field.  OJK shall issue its approval or rejection no later than 30 (thirty) business days after receipt of the complete application documents. 

PMV or PMVS that has received merger, consolidation, or acquisition approval from OJK must execute the merger, consolidation, or acquisition within 60 (sixty) business days from the date of OJK’s approval letter.  If the realization of the proposed merger, consolidation, or acquisition does not occur within this time frame, the approval letter issued by OJK will become invalid.   Subsequently, the PMV or PMVS must report to OJK:


  • regarding the merger or consolidation in writing within 10 (ten) business days from the receipt date of approval or notification of amendments to the AoA from the MoLHR;  

  • regarding the acquisition in writing within 10 (ten) business days from the date of the acquisition deed executed before a public notary. 

A report on the merger or consolidation must be submitted by the directors of PMV or PMVS along with the documents below:

  • For merger

    1. deed of amendment to the AoA of the surviving PMV or PMVS that has been approved or recorded by the competent authority;

    2. deed of merger that has been approved or recorded by the competent authority;

    3. detailed list of Branch Offices along with their complete address; and

    4. document stating that the merged PMV or PMVS does not have tax debt from the competent authority.

​ Based on the report for the merger, the OJK will (i) conduct a study on the completeness and correctness of the

 attachment documents of the report for the merger; and (ii) revoke the business license of the merging PMV or PMVS.

  • For consolidation​

    1. deed of minutes of GMS;

    2. deed of consolidation that has been approved or recorded by the competent authority;

    3. deed of incorporation of PMV or PMVS resulting from consolidation that has been approved or recorded by the competent authority;

    4.  list of ownership;

    5. detailed list of branch offices along with complete addresses; and

    6. document stating that the merging PMV or PMVS does not have tax debt from the competent authority.


Based on the report for consolidation, the OJK will (i) conduct a study on the completeness and correctness of the attachment documents of the report for consolidation; (ii) revoke the business license of the non-surviving PMV or PMVS    caused by the consolidation; (iii) granting approval or refusal of business license to surviving PMV or PMVS resulting from consolidation. Prior to the approval of a business license, PMV or PMVS are prohibited from carrying out venture capital business activities. ​

  • For acquisition

    1. deed of amendment to AoA that has been approved or recorded by the competent authority;

    2. deed of acquisition.

​If PMV or PMVS does not report the merger, consolidation, or acquisition to OJK within a predetermined period, PMV or PMVS will be subjected to administrative sanctions in the form of warnings, freezing of business activities or revocation of business licenses. 

Notification of Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition to KPPU

In accordance with Article 29 Law No. 5/1999 jo. Article 5 GR No. 57/2010, the merger, consolidation, or acquisition with certain asset value and/or sales value is required to be notified to KPPU no later than 30 (thirty) business days from the effective enforcement of such merger, consolidation, or acquisition. The detailed provisions regarding notification of merger, consolidation, and acquisition to KPPU will be further elaborated in Section 17.1.3. below. 

Legal Protection for Minority Shareholders, Employees, and Third Parties in the event of Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition

Merger, consolidation, and acquisition of a limited liability company may lead to legal consequences that may affect the shareholders, employees, and third parties such as creditors. Consequently, prevailing laws offer legal protection to these parties during the merger, consolidation, and acquisition process, including the protection post the merger, consolidation, and acquisition process in certain cases.

Protection for Shareholders

Shareholders who do not agree with the resolution of the GMS regarding the merger, consolidation, or acquisition may only use their rights as referred to in Article 62 Law No. 40/2007, in which the shareholders can request the company to purchase their shares at a fair price.  In principle, the company is obliged to buy it. If the shares requested to be purchased by the company exceed the limits of the provisions for share buy back by the company, the company is obliged to ensure that the remaining shares are purchased by a third party. 


Protection for the Company’s Employees


According to Article 154A (1) Law No. 13/2003, the termination of employment may occur due to the reason the company is merging, consolidating or in the process of being acquired, and the company or the employee is not willing to continue the employment relationship, or the employer is not willing to accept the employee. Upon the termination of employment, the employee is entitled to severance pay and/or service pay and compensation pay that should have been received, which is further stipulated under GR No. 35/2021. 

In some circumstances, industrial relations disputes can occur between employers and workers because of the termination resulting from the merger, consolidation, or acquisition. Nevertheless, during the settlement of such disputes, employers and workers must carry out their daily obligations.  Employers can also take action to suspend workers who are in the process of terminating employment relationship, by continuing to pay wages along with other rights commonly received by workers.  The implementation of the obligations is carried out until the completion of the process settlement at such appropriate levels.


According to the Elucidation of Article 157A Law No. 13/2003, the term of “appropriate level” can be defined as dispute resolution at several levels as follows: 

  • bipartite level;

  • mediation or conciliation or arbitration level; or

  • industrial relations level.


Protection for Creditors


Under Article 126 (1) (b) Law No. 40/2007, the legal action of merger, consolidation, and acquisition must take into account the interests of creditors and other business partners in the company. This provision is then affirmed in its elucidation, that merger, consolidation, and acquisition cannot be carried out if it is detrimental to certain parties, including creditors. 

Prior to the merger, consolidation, and acquisition, the BoD of the company is obliged to announce the merger, consolidation, and acquisition plan in 1 (one) newspaper and notify the employees in writing no later than 30 (thirty) days before the GMS summon.  This announcement and notification ensure that all parties relevant to the company, including all creditors, are informed about the impending merger, consolidation, and acquisition.

To provide legal protection to the creditors, they are afforded the opportunity to raise objections before the GMS makes a decision on the legal action. Creditors may submit the objections to the company at the latest 14 (fourteen) days after the announcement regarding merger, consolidation, or acquisition according to the draft made by the BoD.   A creditor who does not file an objection within the specified period is deemed to have approved the merger, consolidation, or acquisition.  If the BoD is unable to resolve a creditor's objection by the date of the GMS, the objection must be presented at the GMS for settlement.  Should a settlement not be reached, the merger, consolidation, or acquisition cannot be proceeded. 

The procedures outlined above generally apply to limited liability companies. However, the processes for mergers, consolidations, and acquisitions may vary for limited liability companies operating in specific sectors or for those structured as public companies.

Abolition of NPWP due to Merger

The head of the tax service office can conduct the NPWP abolition on taxpayers who have not met the subjective and/or objective requirements in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of tax.  This includes cases where a corporate taxpayer is liquidated or dissolved due to termination or involved in a business merger.  Below is the procedure of NPWP abolition:

  • Submission to the Tax Office


The submission for NPWP abolition is made electronically or in writing and is attached with supporting documents that indicate the circumstances in which the corporate taxpayer is liquidated or dissolved due to termination or involved in a business merger.   It should be noted that the submission for NPWP abolition may be submitted simultaneously or after the application for revocation of PKP.  In the context where the corporate taxpayer is liquidated or dissolved due to termination or involved in a business merger, the supporting documents that must be attached is the copy of the deed of dissolution of the entity or similar documents that have been authorized by the competent authority in accordance with laws and regulations.  

Furthermore, the submission for NPWP abolition electronically is carried out by:  

  1.  filling out and submitting the NPWP abolition form; and

  2.  uploading digital copies (softcopies) of supporting documents, on the registration application available on the DGT website,

​which the NPWP abolition form that has been filled in and submitted through the registration application is deemed to have been signed electronically or digitally and has legal force.  Based on the application, BPE is given to the taxpayer, in the event that the application fulfills the provisions.  On the other hand, written application for NPWP abolition is carried out by:  


  1.  filling out and signing the NPWP abolition form; and

  2. attaching supporting documents,

which can be submitted directly to the KPP where the taxpayer is registered or KP2KP or through (i) post or (ii) an expedition service company or courier service, with proof of mailing, to the KPP where the taxpayer is registered.  Based on the application, the head of the KPP or KP2KP will issue and convey BPS to the taxpayer in the event that the application fulfills the provisions. 

  • Issuance of Tax Office’s Decision

​Based on the submission for NPWP abolition that has been granted by BPE or BPS as referred to above, the head of the KPP examines the fulfillment of the subjective and/or objective requirements of the taxpayer.  Furthermore, for the NPWP abolition conducted due to a business merger, the following provisions apply: 

  1. the exercise of rights and fulfillment of tax obligations on each business entity up to the time of the merger, using the NPWP of the business merger result; and

  2. the exercise of rights and fulfillment of tax obligations after the business merger, using the NPWP of the merger result.

Based on the relevant examination, the head of the KPP gives a decision in the form of: 

  1. acceptance of the taxpayer's application by issuing the NPWP abolition decision letter, in the event that the taxpayer fulfills the provisions; or

  2. rejection of the taxpayer's application by issuing the NPWP abolition rejection letter, in the event that the taxpayer does not fulfill the provisions.

Furthermore, the head of KPP shall issue the decision at the latest 12 (twelve) months after the issuance of BPE or BPS, in the case of the application submitted by a corporate taxpayer.  In addition, the head of KPP submits the decision to the taxpayer: 

  1. electronically through the e-mail address that has been registered at the DGT;

  2. in person;

  3. by post with proof of mailing; and/or

  4. through an expedition service company or courier service with proof of mailing.

Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition of Banks

Under Law No. 7/1992, banks are classified into 2 (two) types, namely commercial banks and rural banks.  This sub-section will focus exclusively on the provision for merger, consolidation, and acquisition of Commercial Banks, which are distinguished into Conventional Commercial Banks/Bank Umum Konvensional (“BUK”) and Sharia Commercial Banks/Bank Umum Syariah (“BUS”). Specifically, mergers, consolidations, and acquisitions of Commercial Banks are governed by OJK Reg. No. 41/2019, which defines these corporate actions as follows: 


The merger, consolidation, and acquisition of a Commercial Bank can be initiated based on either: (i) the initiative of the relevant Commercial Bank or branch office of banks which are domiciled abroad; or (ii) as a supervisory measure by the OJK. Moreover, such corporate actions can only be conducted between:

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