AHRP has represented Perusahaan Umum Daerah Pasar Jaya as the Petitioner for Cassation (formerly the Plaintiff) against PT Bangun Makmur Sejati as the Respondent for Cassation (formerly the Defendant) in a breach of contract claim related to the Development Cooperation of Blok A Fatmawati Market in the South Jakarta region, registered under number 1115 K/Pdt/2024 in the Supreme Court. In its decision, the Panel of Judges revised the decision of the Jakarta High Court Number 326/PDT/2022/PT DKI dated 30 June 2022, which had revised the decision of the South Jakarta District Court Number 249/Pdt.G/2021/PN Jkt.Sel. dated 19 January 2022. By revising the Jakarta High Court's decision, the Panel of Judges at the Supreme Court has relieved Perusahaan Umum Daerah Pasar Jaya from the payment obligation of Rp50,653,167,920.65 to Rp5,008,583,729.
This success was achieved through the efforts of our litigation team, led by partner Zaka Hadisupani Oemang, and supported by senior associate M. Sakti H. Tambunan, along with associates M. Radhitya Hawari, Stacia Faustine Santoso, Adnan, and Tariq Hidayat Pangestu.