AHRP is delighted to have assisted DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency in reducing, reusing and recycling waste by signing the Design and Build Integrated Construction Works Agreement for Landfill Mining and Refused Derived Fuel Waste Processing Facilities Plant with Adhi-Jaya Konstruksi KSO. AHRP in its position as a team of legal experts working collaboratively with construction management consultants in providing legal input and legal considerations in terms of preparation of such agreement.
Landfill Mining and Refused Derived Fuel Waste Processing will be constructed in Bantargebang landfill in Bekasi. Bantargebang landfill in Bekasi has been operating since 1989. Bantargebang landfill has accommodated a large amount of waste from Jakarta over the years, where the land area of the Bantargebang landfill is more than 100 hectares. This collaboration between DLH DKI Jakarta and Adhi-Jaya Konstruksi KSO aimed to process waste into more valuable materials and reduce the potential for environmental pollution. We sincerely hope that this collaboration can have a substantial positive impact on our environmental sustainability.
Once again, it is our tremendous pleasure to be involved in such works and contribute to developing a better, greener and sustain environment for Indonesia’s successive generations to come.